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Official Blind Rebels Press Release Following Kidnapping of Callum Donogue’s Son

Monumentus Records Official Release

Callum Donogue and the entire Blind Rebels family thank you all for your thoughts and prayers during the kidnapping of Gibson Donogue and his nanny Arista Addington. They understand your curiosity surrounding the incident. Callum wishes to extend his appreciation to law enforcement during the incident.

Callum states “I’m so grateful to the Hollywood Hills police department, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s department and the Los Angeles chapter of the FBI- all of whom were instrumental in the return of my son Gibson. I also can not express my appreciation enough to Arista, who despite great injury to herself, did everything she could to protect my son. I will never be able to thank her enough for what she did to protect him. He doesn’t have a scratch on him. Ms. Addington is staying with me while she recovers from her injuries as is her sister. Gibson, while physically uninjured, has suffered some emotional trauma that I am hoping will lessen over time. You can expect that I will do everything in my power to prosecute Ms Tartan and Mr. Rivers to the fullest extents of the law.”

Callum Donogue asks that you respect the family’s privacy as they work to recover from this harrowing ordeal.

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